Friday, February 27, 2009

put up yer dukes....

lately kaden looks like he wants to start a fight. his fists are always in the air ready to go! and several times...I catch himself hitting his little head, and making an OUCH face! It breaks my heart!

I had to add this little pic of kaden in his new pooh towel. he is such a cutie pie!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

kaden the little owl....

kaden has started talking so much, and his new favorite sound is ooooooooooooooo sounding a lot like a little owl! my mommy adored owls so I like to think it's her telling him to make those sounds! this is a video of him in owl mode after his bath last's a little hard to hear as he is still finding his voice.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

snug as a bug in a rug

For the first few weeks with kaden, I was amazed at how little I could actually do! Little things that I took for granted, like going to the bathroom! And how do I make phone calls and be in touch with the world outside my dinky little apartment? After a little research, I discovered babywearing, and my friend Kate (THANK YOOOOOOUUUU Kate!) lent me a wonderous little item called a Moby Wrap. It took me weeks to feel comfortable with putting him in it, but once I finally did, you can see just how snuggly he was...and my arms were free! I felt like wonder woman! You can even PEE with it on! tee hee....

Monday, February 23, 2009

falling in love all over again...

Kaden FINALLY smiled. I was actually starting to feel concerned that he was just feeling bored with us, and was never going to show us any enthusiasm. The only hints of a smile we had seen so far were the teeniest hint of a smirk when he was sleeping and in dream mode. My frustration peaked when some smelly old lady at trader joes actually commented that my baby "had such a little sourpuss". I suppose he realized that he made us wait long enough and he gave us one of those melt your heart smiles and we fell madly in love with the little man all over again.

meeting uncle brian

Uncle Brian came to visit last week and kaden, of course, fell in love with him. I have always loved seeing Chad and Brian together, they have a bond like no other brothers I have met, and now my heart skips a beat when I see all three of these boys's truly amazing!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

so much love....

it seems silly to go back and write about the past 6 weeks, as I just know I would NEVER catch instead I thought I would just post some pics of the friends and family that have visited him and showered him with kisses....

Friday, February 20, 2009

the beginning of a new life.

so i am thinking it is better to write this a little bit late than never at all....

this is kaden's birth story. all in all, my pregnancy was a surreal and an overall positive experience. As time got closer to my due date, I just wanted to meet baby miller in a CRAZY
way! I visited my OB the day before my due date and she informed me that my actual due date was the following week. I was feeling frustrated and a friend mentioned that if I wanted to speed things up a little, I should go to Caioti Pizza Cafe (in Studio City, if you want to try it for yourself!) and order "The THE salad", which is famously known all over the west coast for inducing impatient women into early labor. sure enough, just a few hours later, my water broke (did i just pee the bed?) and we were off to St Joes! They started me on antibiotics and gave me pitocin to speed things up a bit. sometime after 5pm, I had the epidural (how on earth do people go natural? HUGE respect to those brave souls), and soon after my fever shot way up and so did baby millers little heartbeat. to my dismay, we learned our little one would have to be in the NICU from anywhere between 2 and 7 days due to my crazy fever. we tried to stay positive and we were blessed with some of the most amazing nurses who helped to keep us on track and help baby miller make an appearance before the new year! new years eve came and went, and after watching 5 showings of the movie ELF in a row (gotta love TBS), we started the pushing......and pushed and pushed and little to nothing happened. When our favorite nurse reluctantly left at the end of her shift, we contemplated our options.....after 27 hours, and not an ounce of energy or patience to boot, we opted for the c section.

and welcomed to the world mr kaden redwood miller!

it broke my heart that I could not hold him for 24 hours, but we have an entire lifetime to make up for it....