so i am thinking it is better to write this a little bit late than never at all....
this is kaden's birth story. all in all, my pregnancy was a surreal and an overall positive experience. As time got closer to my due date, I just wanted to meet baby miller in a CRAZY
way! I visited my OB the day before my due date and she informed me that my actual due date was the following week. I was feeling frustrated and a friend mentioned that if I wanted to speed things up a little, I should go to Caioti Pizza Cafe (in Studio City, if you want to try it for yourself!) and order "The THE salad", which is famously known all over the west coast for inducing impatient women into early labor. sure enough, just a few hours later, my water broke (did i just pee the bed?) and we were off to St Joes! They started me on antibiotics and gave me pitocin to speed things up a bit. sometime after 5pm, I had the epidural (how on earth do people go natural? HUGE respect to those brave souls), and soon after my fever shot way up and so did baby millers little heartbeat. to my dismay, we learned our little one would have to be in the NICU from anywhere between 2 and 7 days due to my crazy fever. we tried to stay positive and we were blessed with some of the most amazing nurses who helped to keep us on track and help baby miller make an appearance before the new year! new years eve came and went, and after watching 5 showings of the movie ELF in a row (gotta love TBS), we started the pushing......and pushed and pushed and little to nothing happened. When our favorite nurse reluctantly left at the end of her shift, we contemplated our options.....after 27 hours, and not an ounce of energy or patience to boot, we opted for the c section.
and welcomed to the world mr kaden redwood miller!
it broke my heart that I could not hold him for 24 hours, but we have an entire lifetime to make up for it....