I have been incredibly neglectful of this blog and I feel awful about it. This move that we are about to embark on has made my to do list three times longer than normal each day, combined with the horrific realization that my work computer's hard drive had crashed, which is my favorite place to write kaden's blog!
Kaden is growing by the second, it is absolutely incredible to hear the words that come out of his mouth, to watch the changes and new skills he learns everyday, and to watch him become more and more kind and compassionate with every little thing he learns. He is truly the most incredible little boy!
So we took him to Malibu one last time, thinking that maybe THIS might be THAT time that he would fall in love with the calmess and peacefulness of the ocean...and whether or not it was for him, we may never know, but it truly was an emotional experiece for mommy and daddy. Some people go to church, some go to cemetaries, but for us, that is where our heaven lies. It will have new meaning for us once we are a distance away from it, and I think we will be able to cherish the power of it's

I absolutely love this video...kaden has never been a huge fan of the ocean, I think the loud crashing of the waves is a little on the scary side for him at this point. Which is why I was stunned when he started strolling down to the water's edge, in fact even running toward it at some points, just completely driven by curiosity. What an incredible mind that little guy has!
My brother and wonderful sister in law had given us an incredible gift...a gift certificate to Abuelitas, which is where we had our *meet and greet* the night before our wedding. It was the second time we had been back there since the wedding, and not only was it fantastically yummy, it is by far, one of the most serene spots for us in Los Angeles.