I have come to realize that I not only LOVE taking photos, but I feel all warm and fuzzy when I find myself capturing moments that i know are one in a million with my little man. I probably have shot at least a thousand photos of him in the 18 months he has been on this planet, and during this time i have been a temp SAHM, that number has easily doubled. We went over to see mamaw and papaw the other day, and of course kaden refused to leave the house without bringing along Elmo, one of his BFFs. His other BFF is a kitty named Mike, which is comical because no matter how we explain it to him, kaden does not understand the word "CAT". All of these furry creatures are named MIKE, which is our shy little kitty's name. Never mind that we have a cat named Simon that gets all the love and attention from everyone....I suppose Mike is a little easier to say. Anyway....I digress.
So while at Mamaw's house, kaden got a little crazy with Elmo, dancing and singing to him. It was quite possibly the cutest thing i ever did see.

I never did get around to posting pics from our father's day! We spent the day over at mamaw and papaw's house, and were happy to visit with Uncle Larry and Aunt Marie who were here on a stop on their cross country adventure.
~somehow this is the only pic I have of the two of them that is halfway decent, shame on me.
~explaining to uncle larry the importance of the hula hoop
It has been SO hot here! We have been trying to find new way to stay cool, and one of our favorite places knows just how to do the trick! I wrote about this park (Central Park) in Stapleton when we first moved here, and we have been several times, and each time we fall in love a little bit more! They have these fountains that just shoot up, some are obviously for the "big guys" and these shown here were more for kaden's size. He was so sweet and excited about the whole thing...this was one of those times i was cursing my FLIP camcorder for dying.

~about to venture out of our cozy air conditioned home
~contemplating, do I jump right in?
~pretending he is "mike" and drinking the water.
~I had to keep sneaking over to the only dry spot in the place to snag my camera, and he would yell at me "maMAAAA" as soon as he noticed.
~I was a horrible mommy and left our towels just by the door, so I had nothing for us to dry off of, and we were both COMPLETEY soaked. thank goodness for the dry Colorado air which dries everything in a second! Just after i took off his wet clothes, he wanted to run off to this random area of the park, far far away from where civilization in his lil swimmers, and water shoes. He just kept pointing and running while cracking up like it was the time of his life. Completely heartwarming.
~here he is saying "down down down"
~ and of course "up up up"
Mamaw and I decided to check out another children's museum this week! kaden has been to the Denver Children's Museum, but this was the WOW children's museum! We taught him to say WOW the whole way there, and it is now his new favorite word, besides Elmo of course.
~I think he would have been completely satisfied if this little tikes slide was the only attraction at WOW.
~back off mommy, these are OUR trains.
~kaden's first ride in a vibrating car....doesn't look like it's one of his favorite milestones
and sort of an oldie but goodie...I found this video that was shot just before our move, hence the discombobliated mama AND house....I may get into HUGE trouble one day with letting his naked lil body run all over youtube, but for right now...enjoy.
~please not me in my crazy jammie pants guarding the corner of the dresser...just seconds before this, kaden got himself twisted up in the curtain and smacked his head in the corner of the dresser.