What a fun filled Easter weekend! We celebrated a day early on Saturday with a road trip up to Fort Collins to Dave and Natalie's house. Not only do thay have an incredible home, but we had an amazing time there with everyone! Kaden actually was pretty worn out on Easter Sunday, and we spent the day being super mellow and had a visit with Mamaw and Papaw.
~Kaden's new love.He must have jumped on this thing for like 6 hours.
~Jack is ridiculously talented on this thing!
~celebrating Natalie and Jack's bdays!
~his first peep!
~playin football with daddy and Jack.
~the end *prize* at the end of his scavenger hunt. He has been begging for a backpack for about 4 months. Everytime we go to Target, he would ask to wear this around while we shopped, and when I told him he has to ask the Easter Bunny for it, he would scream super loud "eeeeeeeeeter bunnnnny, I wanna BAP PAK"!
~the Easter bunny left some eggs in the trees. It was freezing and raining, what a trooper that easter bunny is!
~I wish he would show just a wee bit more emotion and enthusiasm!
~his new "zoo shirt"
~I think this was the third round of his easter egg hunt...he couldn't get enough!

~Kaden loving Unk Brah's "bankie" and daddy's precious little cast from his baby foot.
Kaden is in love with our storytime at the library on friday, and he wanted to have storytime with us that evening....this is after 15 minutes of it, and I realized I needed the damn camcorder on.