~enjoying some Abbotts.
We are back from our 12 day adventure back East, and I think we all feel full and refreshed from the visit. Spending time watching Kaden connecting with family and playing wildly with his cousins. Scrumptious moments with family and friends, smores in the firepit, chasing fireflies, listening to the bullfrogs playing in the pond at night, watching the kids have a jamfest in my brother's basement turned music studio. I am struggling to hold on to all of these wonderful memories, and hopefully piece by piece I can write about them over the next few weeks, so that Kaden has a chance to look back and relive all those moments too.
Perhaps it is a blessing that so many loved ones in my life do not live near me. Blessing in a sense that when I do have a chance to be together with them, my senses are heightened and I am able to soak up every droplet and don't take a single second for granted. Perhaps if i saw them everyday, I wouldn't notice all the teeny tiny beautiful details as I do when we have these gatherings (or perhaps I would). I suppose I am going there in my head because most of the time I feel sad living away from my family, but if I shift my perspective to the blessings of those small but amazingly precious moments, then I’ll feel more grateful than sad.
I have an overload of photos and videos to sift though, but for now, I thought I would post some of our favorites.
~the one ride Kaden ventured to go on at Sea Breeze. How happy is he!

~Kaden and Nick after about 5 minutes of "warming up" to each other.

~Nick reading one of Kaden's favorite books to Nora, Kaden and Ryan. Super cozy quiet time.

~on second thought....maybe not for kaden.

~Uncle Tobe and Aunt Kerry with their "kaden monkey sausage redwood miller".
~giving a *bump* to the amazing audrey.
~playing with Poppy.

~me and my amazing TT Nan.


~time with family is so good for the soul.
~the whole clan at Red Robin.