It has been raining in the afternoon here for the past 36 days (ok, total approximation). And when I say rain, I don't mean just rain, but some serious holy cow crazy thunderstorms with strobe light continuous lightning. I always wanted to live in eattle for a bit, so I think this is my taste of what it might be like! I was always told it is rare that it ever even rains in Denver, and I have held off buying purchasing polka dot rain boots for this very reason. Now, I think it is time I make them mine.
I love me a good thunderstorm. Chad and i have spent many nights sitting outside watching the lightning and oooooh-ing and ahhhhhh-ing at the beauty of it all. Until last night. Last night, there was this insane rainfall, that was like nothing I have ever seen. Chad was out on an errand and I decided to cozy up with a movie in our basement family room. All of a sudden, I heard the craziest sound. Niagara falls decided to make an appearance in our guest room in the basement...completely pouring through the window and not showing any signs of stopping. The laundry room window started to do the same. I wish I was better under pressure. I grabbed a few bowls and a big ol bucket, but it was too little too late. It went on for twenty minutes, and then stopped, leaving these rooms completely beyond repair. Our amazing landlord showed up after 5 minutes of calling him, and Tony the carpet man was there soon after. By morning, the smell was gone, and miraculously, the water was completely dry.
I left for work this morning feeling better, until I realized my car door was open. Ummm, first thought, hello crazy rain. But then i noticed my glove compartment and console were open and stuff was thrown everywhere. Ahhh....so THIS is what it looks like when someone breaks into your car. I soon realized that my steering wheel and ignition for jacked up a bit, and silly me had left my office keys in that cozy compartment next to the drivers seat. This crazy fool had tried to force them into the ignition so many times, absolutely certain that I of course would have left my car keys there for safekeeping, and pretty much bent them into some crazy abstract design. Thankfully, everyone was safe and my car is fine and is in decent condition. How amazing to find out that my neighbors actually have 24 hr security cameras outside their house, and unfortunately I parked on the wrong side of the street, and they weren't able to see quite that far. But how incredibly sweet were they to go through an entire night's footage (so exciting!) to see if they could catch someone in action.
The highlight of this whole drama was the police report. A very nice police officer came out to the house and Kaden was in complete awe of him. he even flashed his lights several times for him and let him play with the high beam light that hangs out of the passenger door. This guy was all kinds of amazing, and he put a total positive shift on things, I can totally forget about the fact that some smelly dude was fiddling with my car and my keys for a bit.
"I a drummer".

Kaden is completely obsessed with having a drum set like his big cousin Nick. Yes, Daddy is a drummer, and he does have some pretty amazing drum sets in hiding, but we also feel his maybe a bit too young for a drum set of his own. So we make him fun imaginary drum sets. He is smitten with the cymbal. How could you not be?

and in other wonderul news....mission accomplished!!! Kaden was able to start in the Big Boys room this week at daycare! He is super psyched and did not cry when dropped off, which is a HUGE positive! (he has cried for the past 6 months pretty much!) He is pretty much potty trained at daycare, and they thought he was ready. This is a bit different than our experience at home, as i can count the times on one hand when he has hit the potty...but hey, at least he is doing it somewhere!!!
here he is showing off fun with chalk in his superman big boy panties.