~kaden's favorite part about camping!
We took Kaden on his first camping trip this weekend, and aside from the fact that we realized we left the tent waiting in our living room, it was a wonderful time! Thanks to Aunt Gloria who happens to live in the mountains close to where we were camping, we were able to sleep in utter cozyness! It rained sporadically throughout the trip, but it was really peaceful to sleep to. Kaden slept like a rock, probably because we skipped his nap that day, but his favorite part was definitely peeing on trees and rocks. It must be very confusing for a freshly potty trained toddler to be told that he can go ahead and go pee on a tree!
We all loved it so much and are hoping to go camping again sometime within the next month before the cold weather comes. I tried to pick out the best pics to narrate this little photo post, but I know there are a ton! So many good times! If you make it to the end of this post, I found two cute videos that I posted as a reward for making it to the end!

~after a bit of coaxin, kaden agreed to just "sit" on the four wheeler, but he was adamant about not going anywhere.
~inchin forward a teeny weeny bit....
~going for his first ride!
~he absolutely hated it ;)
We got a visit from Dave, Caleb and Jack who all rode in on their dirtbikes...so cool!

~rock climbin with Mamaw.
~daddy's lil helper.

~the gorgeous rockies...still with some snow!
~I love camping!

~daddy made a sweet racetrack in the dirt.
~The left behind paraphanelia.
Kaden has been obsessed with the song "Ol Dan Tucker" (via The Wiggles, though Bruce Springsteen's version is pretty sweet too!), and I have been trying to get a video of him rockin out to it for weeks now.