~kaden rockin out on one of the pianos on 16th street.
I have so much to be grateful for this year, and I would love to go on and on about those things, but I feel that would be cheating in a way. I find this year, what I am most grateful for is Hope. Hope is what gets me through each day at work and is my greatest wish for all of the children and families that I work with. Hope is the ability for a person to dream big, and to take that initial step to making their dreams a reality...a huge step that I took years ago when I flew from my cozy nest in Rochester. Hope is also something I cherish as a mother who sometimes may get a little overly anxious about the little things and helps me to become full of faith and joy instead...and full of Hope.
Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.
― Shel Silverstein
some random morsels of happiness
* the first big hug of the morning.
* tuesday nights thanks to the amazingness that is Parenthood.
* little kicks in my belly from our sweet little lovebug.
* anything and everything PUMPKIN!
* kaden randomly busting out in a happy birthday tune for me at various times of the day.
* having an amazing hubby who also happens to love to do the dishes.
Here's a little peek at our Thanksgiving day at Mamaw and Papaw's house....

~checkin out daddy's technique.
~cozy with Uncle Larry.
~he loved his little white dress up shirt. He would put his hands on his hips and ask everyone if they "liked his shirt".

~people often wonder why I don't have more pics with me and kaden...this is a prime example of why.
~kaden finally fell in love with his four wheeler! He was saying the funniest things into his little walkie talkie.
~gettin a little help from Jack!

~kaden proudly wearing his fancy hat that he made at daycare.
~ "helpin" David in the kitchen.
~kaden getting in on the annual Euchre game.
~end of the night rockin out with Uncle Brian.

~posing with my 20 week bump and apple cider.