Happy Six Months Sophia!
holy moly! She's a half of a year already! |

Dear Sophia,
It's so hard to believe you have been here a whole six months! Time has flown by! You are an incredibly amazing little person, and I absolutely LOVE watching you grow, and seeing your little personality starting to shine. Oh the places you will go little one!!! I cannot wait to see where your path takes you....
In a nutshell, you could use a wee bit of extra help in the sleep department. Mommy has always been pretty anti-crying it out at this age, but after months of minimal sleep, I've developed my own little version of sleep training, and so far, it seems to be helping a wee bit. Now, to get you to realize that your crib IS in fact large enough, and you do not HAVE to sleep in the queen sized bed every night. Part of that could be working mama's guilt, and thow in the fact that you are an amazing snuggler, and maybe Mommy is at fault after all.
You love to eat. Right now, you love avocados, bananas, pears, prunes and grean beans and oatmeal cereal. Sweet potatoes got a big ol thumbs down.
You love leaves. You love to eat your socks and eat your feet as well. You simply adore your brother, he can do no wrong in your book. You love to be tickled. You love to people watch. You are sitting in the "tripod" stance right now with a teeny bit of support, and I am sure in a couple weeks you will be doing it on your own! I have a feeling you are anxious to do this so you can join in and play with your brother's trains. You have rolls that roll for miles. And you love Obama. Or at least I think that's what you said....
I love you Sophia!!!
Happy half a birthday incredible girl!!!!
your mommy
happy birthday mamaw!!! |