*over it* too many parties in one day.

*not interested*

*maybe a little*
Dear Sophia,
Wow! It is so hard to believe that it was just a year ago today that I first held you in my arms for the first time. Such a familar feeling, yet so very different....and finding out that you were a girl at that very moment in time, when I was 99.999% certain that you were a boy. Nothing compares to that crazy feeling of meeting you at that very moment. So many people have always questioned why we would not find out if you and your brother were girls/boys beforehand, saying it is still a surprise either way. Nope. It is impossible to know what that feeling is like until you actually experience it for yourself. There are few surprises in life...and meeting you and your brother for the first time (truly the first time) was beyond words.
You are such an independent little wise owl. You like stuff the way YOU like it. There is no trying to persuade you otherwise. You like to eat with a spoon/spork. ONLY. Finger food is no longer acceptable, with the exception of peas, which is always your fave. You started walking about two weeks ago on your own. You took a few sweet steps with us, and then sadly, I think your first real long strides were at daycare. I will always have a soft spot for your daycare teacher, because she *gets it* and would never tell me that you were walking, and straight out denied it when I asked. The asst director told me that you were walking "like crazy" and I started crying like a baby, feeling liike I had missed something so important in your growth. Mommy has a love/hate relationship with being a working mommy, and most days, I would so much rather stay at home with you and your brother. I also really feel fortunate enough to love what I do, and my hope is that one day I will be a better mommy to you and your brother because of it, and maybe learn a wee bit along the way from my own work counseling mommies.
You don't like to sleep, at all, why sugar coat it?! I'm cool with it because as of late, you actually call out "Mama" in the night, and it makes my heart melt, and getting up 14 times seems to be worth it. You adore, beyond words, your big brother. You laugh and wrestle with him and give him "big hugs" (you give just about every cuddly thing big hugs, it's your thing), and your eyes are always following what he is doing 24/7. He adores you too. He was actually very mad this morning that you had no "growed" overnight for your birthday...he is ready for you to run, he said. I encouraged him to be a wee bit patient as you just nailed taking steps about 7 days ago. We shall see....
I love you sweet girl.
You are such a blessing and my amazing little sunshine! We love you to the moon and back, and then some...
your mommy
I'm soooo catching up to you brother...checkin out the growth chart. |
Seriously mom? Enough with these damn monthly stickers! |
ok, fine. one pose. |
kaden wanted to strike a pose too :)
Sophie and her favorite person on the planet. |
Sophie's first Easter. |
Kaden chillin with the *big boys* |
I think they are at the age where getting a pic of the two of them together is next to impossible! |
showing daddy her bunny cup. |
Spaghetti rocks! |
St Patty's day fun.....
Using old yogurt containers for bongos.
he was dancing with her! I didn't grab my camera fast enough.