Happy Father's Day to all of the amazing dads out there!!The examples you set for your little ones (and big ones too!) make all the difference!
I feel so incredibly grateful and blessed to have married such a self less, genuine and caring man, and then to throw in that he is the coolest and most playful daddy to our littles? Holy cannoli, I hit the jackpot. I cannot imagine life without him! He have always helped me keep my sanity when I felt I might lose it. A big thanks to him for loving our littles with every morsel that he is!
I have been blessed with examples of what was inspiring before I entered this chapter of parenting, and there are so many dads that I love, am inspired by and look up to. My dad, who inspires me to be more authentic and true to myself everyday, who pretty much *gets* everything about me and truly loves me anyway, and who is always someone I can trust and lean on, no matter what. My brother, who has always been my hero, and then became a dad and now he is truly a superhero. He is truly one of the coolest dads on the planet. Every dad should rock out with their kids on a daily basis, too many littles struggles from lack of this. Our family does not.
Here's a shout out to all the dad's out there who give all they have for their families. We couldn't do it without you. I wouldn't even want to try.
Cheers to all the Dads out there!
~For Father's Day, I got Chad tickets for he and Kaden to go to Kaden's very first Rockies game! Not sure who had more fun.
They took the train down to Coors Field....kaden was loving it!
~poor Sophia. she puked a little at daycare and I apparently used her spare outfit there and didn't have another one, so this is how she greeted me when I came home from work. She is rockin that shirt!