How I love being Kadens mommy! My heart is so full writing about mommys day, I feel like my heart just may jump out of my chest! I love this little man with everything that is in me!
What an incredibly wonderful mother's day! Even though chadarooski had to work (one of the horrors of working in restaurant land is being expected to work all holidays in which you would rather be somewhere else), we had a chance to celebrate the day before. Kaden and I started the day off right by indulging in some aroma cafe lunch with my wonderful friend Gina, who is going to be a mommy herself in just a few months! This was a first as Kaden has never been out to a real restaurant before! I have always worried that he would get bored or start to go into grumpy mode. He absolutely loved it! Sitting outside was the key, and with all the pretty trees and it being a beautiful day, he was perfectly content! Afterward, Chad and I took him on his first picnic in the park! We even brought his bumbo chair so he would feel like a big boy (though I think the bumbos days are numbered, he can barely get his pudgy little legs in there!). Afterward, Chad surprised me with yummy pink champagne and his own homeade chocolate covered strawberries....soooo yummy! In the morning, I got to open all the wonderful cards (thank you everyone for all your sweet words!) and Kaden's amazing homeade card! I have a pic of it above, it makes me smile when I think of it, Chad is so crafty! Margaret, his "schoolteacher" also made a card from Kaden, that was supersweet also! I'm so thankful to be a mommy and to be the mommy of this most adorable little nugget. I'm also so thankful for all the mommies in my life, I cherish evey single one of you!
In previous years, Mothers day has always been a time for me to celebrate my mommy friends, but also to reflect on my own magnificent mookie who watches over us from above. It gave me such a warm and comforting feeling to share this day with her and to celebrate all that she instilled in me as a result of being such a wonderful mommy. I am so in awe of her strength and patience, and how she could just give me a certain look or say something silly, and no matter how upset or sad I was, she could always get me to laugh and feel instantly better. She has always been my hero, but now more than ever, I am thankful for her knowing exactly how to love me and for helping me to grow and to be the mother I am today.
I always imagine that my mother is a bird, and from time to time, I see birdies eyeing me and I know in her own way she is trying to tell me something. Yesterday, after Chad had left for work, Kaden and I were dancing to Jack Johnson in the living room (he sure does love his Jack) and a beautiful hummingbird came to the screen door and danced in front of it right along with us. It must have stayed there for a whole four minutes dancing and singing! We both saw it, and in my heart I think Kaden knew who it was too. Happy Mothers Day Mookie....I am forever thankful for you.

What a great story Jenny. I am so happy your first Mothers day was so special. Kudos to Kaden and Chad for the Fantastic card and what a wonderful picture that is of you and your Mom.