Chad took Kaden on his first trip to the zoo last week! On one of their daddy days, they spent the morning at the zoo with our friends Mike and the amazing Hanna Banana. It was an overcast day, and a bit chilly, and Daddy was equipped with about 14 different outfits in the diaper bag to battle any kind of weather that should come their way. Daddy sayss that the flamingos were his favorite animal, and he enjoyed staring at the concrete and the kids running around the rest of the time, no time for the animals!
We had a wonderful visit this week with Kaden's Mamaw and he got to meet Uncle Larry and Aunt Gloria for the first time! They had an amazing journey by car from Alaska, and we are so grateful Mamaw convinced them to take a "shortcut" to Los Angeles on the way to Denver from Alaska! Kaden absolutely adored his time with them, and he soaked up all of the million snuggles and hugs he got from each of them. We spent a day at Balboa Park (which is becoming our new favorite place) and Kaden loved watching the ducks and riding around in his little Bjorn. We put him in the stroller for a moment and he was NOT having it. He so loves riding in his Bjorn!

After two weeks on Oatmeal cereal, it was hard to tell if Kaden was getting the hang of it. He enjoyed yelling during his meals, and it just didn't seem like he was enjoying it so much. We wanted to start him on sweet potatoes or squash while his Mamaw was here, but of course those are both out of season. We are wanting to make our own baby food for him, at least in the begining and see how it goes. So our only other choice to start with was bananas. So we disregarded the veggies before fruit rule, and gave him a banana in his cereal. He absolutely LOVED it! The pics of him with the spit happens bib is a testimony to his yelling when he eats just the oatmeal. The pics of him in his brown onesie show a totally different little eater! He could not get enough of it!

omg the pic of him looking up at the tree is PRICELESS!!!!!!