These weekend was off the radar HOT, and we decided to escape to the beach in search of cooler temps and some refreshing clean air! We introduced Kaden to Malibu, and took him to Zuma Beach, which is the beach just next to where we were married! It was wonderful to be there with the little guy, and he was super excited to see the water again! Even more so, the ginormous sandbox was absolutely heaven for him! I set him down in the sand and I swear he never stopped smiling. He loved running the sand through his fingers and pouring it out of the bucket. daddy took him down to the water, and at first he was so excited, but I think the roar of the crashing waves was just a wee bit too much for him. He was so curious, and you can tell he really wanted to love it, but he just may need lots of practice with going to the beach....many more visits to come!

we put so much sunscreen on poor kaden's hair, he was sportin this awesome 'do when we got home, and did not look too happy about it!

Here's Kaden showing off his new swim shorts, a super sweet gift from our neighbor that doesn't speak a lick of English, but is utterly enchanted with Kaden! She absolutely adores him, she comes outside and yells stuff to him in Spanish everytime she hears us walk by. We can't understand a word of it, but I'm sure it's all very nice!
I have bought Kaden three bathing suits that he has never wore, mostly because he grows out of them so fast, but also, how do they fit over the lil swimmer diaper??? It seems ridiculously uncomfortable for him, so we have always opted for him to wear just the lil swimmer. We put this lil red suit on him, so that the neighbor would see him in it, and that we could thank her for it. I thought that maybe we could try it without a lil swimmer since he was only going to be going in just for a lil bit. Just after taking this pic, I carried him downstairs, and sure enough, he peed on me. It must have felt just a LITTLE too free for him! Next time, I think we'll go back to the lil swimmers.

this is a few weeks old, but too cute not to post..
I have also been trying desperately to get video of Kaden crawling! He has been crawling a little bit, but at turtle speed. And then just the other day, I brought him home from daycare, and put him on his playmat, and he did this little spiderman move and crawled at lightening speed after simon....look out kitties, here he comes!
I grabbed the camcorder immediately after and tried to capture it...of course I had to throw my water bottle across the living room floor to inspire him.
He continues to just melt my heart with that sweet little face!! And, I love the video of him crawling!! I think he ALMOST looked like he was putting a leg up at one point to try and STAND up......I know that's probably a little far away from happening yet, but I swear that's what he was doing - he's just so advanced! :)