a visit with his friend shivam!

looking especially cute while frying brain cells watching baby einstein's baby noah..

my little elf

he is so fascinated by the garbage can.....ew.
little monkey elf telling Mike he has to stay outside

chad covered him up with the coziest quilt ever made by his sweet mamaw.

playing peekaboo out the window

reading with his BFF

BFF watching over him after he fell asleep during storytime. Notice our nice barricade around him on the bed so he doesn't roll....

loving the transition of his "office" to a "workstation".

makes a cool tunnel too!

ecstatic about the new jammies mamaw sent him! He absolutely LOVES elmo.

giving elmo a kiss! whatever with his precious naked butt.

the ginormous praying mantis that was living outside our front door for a few weeks.
random...but I thought he was super cool.

I thoroughly enjoy "random wednesdays!' Thank you, thank you for starting them! :) And, I'm so glad you have this blog - I feel like I know Kaden so well eventhough I've (sadly) never even met the munchkin!! (PS - now I'm second guessing my exersaucer purchase.... I originally was going to get the next step up (which you have) that has the ability to morf into a toddler standing toy, but thought it wouldn't be necessary and stuck w/the one level lower, however, seeing Kaden's cute little face light up over it, is making me think maybe we should get that one afterall - send me your thoughts, Miss!)