~daddy trying to protect our little shrimp boat captain from being attacked by some territorial geese.
The title of this post was a line from a little girl that was too cute for words. On one of the colder days we had so far in our days in Denver, we bundled up nugget like a little fish boat captain (our winter threads are LACKING for our little dude) and went off to explore Washington Park, which is just a few blocks away. A little girl was interested in little kaden, and repeatedly called him a "she". Kaden is often times referred to as a "she" which I find comical because he is usually dressed a bit like a gangster. Often times I am asked, is he a "boy or girl", but i have never had anyone straight out ARGUE with me about his sexuality. After I mentioned the word "he" to this little cutie patutie in the park, she looked at me strernly and pointed out that "HE is a SHE". She was too cute, who was I to argue with her? But seriously, look at this crazy pic of him below in his Shrimp Boat Captain gear...how could you ever mistaken HE for a SHE?
~our little shrimp fisherman
We have been having the best time being tourists in our new home! Every day is a new adventure and something new to explore! We are enjoying our neighborhood more and more each day, espcially with the discovery that my old friend Jeff from my hathaway days is only about 2 blocks from our home! We randomly ran into each other at our neighborhood park after trying for days to get together for coffee and a catch up. A little piece of an old home always makes things a little bit homier!
I will update with more later, but for right now, here is a slew of pics from our random excursions.
~rocking in his chair with all his BFFs
Mamaw's happy retirement party!
~kaden learning all sorts of CHEERS.
~Karla and her wonderful friends!
~Kaden demanding that both "MOes" be read to before bedtime.
~kaden's absolute favorite thing to do right now is play in the streams, creeks, ponds...oh yeah, and gutters. He loves to chase flowers or leaves, it is too sweet to watch. I thought we would miss the ocean, but so far the peacefulness of all the ponds, lakes and creeks (and gutters) is making up for it.

~Uncle Brian and Aunt Suzanne had us over for a ridiculously yummy dinner and an impromptu slumber party, and kaden was in absolute heaven. Not only does he ADORE these two, but they introduced him to guacamole, ginormous bouncy balls, a playlist made just for him, golf clubs, Blues Clues, model planes, crazy fun toys and a kick ass pool to boot. So much fun!
~nugget getting set to do a fancy sommersault in his little room..he absolutely LOVES his room.
~Tattered Cover Bookstore is just an amazing bookstore! It is one of the few things I checked out on my first visit to denver, and I know it will always be one of my most favorite places in this magical city.
~his favorite part about this incredible bookstore was of course, the stairs.
~flirting with the ladies
~over it
~strolling around Lodo
~this lil boy has Cali in his blood...he sure does LOVE his mexican food!
Your pictures are 'too cute for words!!' I love them all! I'm so glad you look like you're having a SUCH a fantastic time in your new home. Denver looks like an awesome place so far and Kaden looks like he's fitting right in!
ReplyDeleteoh, WHATEVER! omg you found tattered cover! aahhhh, i see the clock tower in that pic! aaahhh, mexican food!! ahhhh, i love the "over it" shot, and Aahhhhhh, you are SO fitting right in to the devnah scene, what with your cute little chucks and all. whatever, miss jenny. what the frick ever! <3
ReplyDeleteoh, and i still need your address please!!!!! i need to send you something SOOOOOONNNN!! xo
p.s. the geese in denver out outrageous!! omg. i still can't believe you are in my stomping ground... this is cool... i can live vicariously through your excited eyes! heheheeeeee