some complete randoms notes for future kaden...
~ you are completely and utterly obsessed with the song "This old man". It must be played in our house/car 180 times a day. You refer to it lovingly as "Mick Mack".
~ you are slowly but surely learning to say PLEASE...although it comes out like PEEEEEEEE.
~ you also LOVE the pool, and would like to be in the pool 24/7. When I ask what would you like to do today, not even 2 seconds goes by before you say POOOOOOOOOOOOOL.
~ we have decided to cut your long and crazy curls off. It makes me so sad, but i'm sure it doesn't feel very comfy in this heat. and it is ridiculously out of control. More about that next week.
Discovering Denver and all of it's amazing amenities has been so much fun over the past few months. I am a so grateful that I have had this time to explore and take mini adventures with kaden, and discover our new home together. Chad has been working so much, but has been coming along on as many of our lil adventures as possible!
Just the other day, we all went up to Morrison to check out Tinytown. Miniature replicas of historical buildings and structures and of course, and a miniature steam engine rail that you could ride on, which was a huge hit for the lil man. At first, he seemed skeptical and wasn't sure of what he was supposed to happen in this place, but after a ride on the train and his first few licks of his very first ice cream cone, he was pumped to explore!
~not too sure about this ice cream bizness, must not take after mama.
~a little raccoon wanted to ride the train too!
We went to Jazz in the Park for the 2nd time this past Sunday evening! What a treasure this little gem is! It's so much fun just to hang out and people watch, but then you can bring wine and goodies, and listen to amazing jazz while the sun sets! It is an incredible night to be had!
We were so happy the Boceks could come hang out with us just before they head back to Los Angeles. Hanna and kaden were both all about taking rides on the skateboard, my camera started not working all that well at this point, so the pics are all really dark!
So happy to share the beautiful day with Audrey! Not only is she an incredibly talented photographer, she is one of the most genuine and authentic souls to walk this earth!

~ cupcakes from denver cupcake truck! yummy!
kaden was absolutely smitten with this little boy Oliver. He chased him around for a bit and wanted so badly to be his friend!
cozying up at our favorite library on a rainy day.
We have been wanting to take kaden up in the mountains to do a little hiking and exploring, but it never seemed to work out on our free days when we were all together. Chad has been working so much and on his days off, it seems like there was always a million things to do. So one day we decided the day before that we were absolutely going to go up to Lookout Mountain, which is just over in Golden (near the Coors factory!). That next morning it was a gloomy and rainy day and we decided to go ahead and go anyway. Even though it was a bit muddy and messy, we still had so
~chillin outside of a random teepee
~he was incredibly smitten with this buffalo, he just wanted to hang out there all day!
~this looks like a cozy place to nap
~watching a deer family relax and hang out in the forest
This park is another fun gem in Denver! It's called Confluence Park and is where the Platte River and Cherry Creek come together. Such a cool place for tubing, kayaking, or just wading in the water. Kaden absolutely loved this place and we can't wait to go back and play some more.
~our adventure was cut short by these scary looking clouds
and last but not least, thank you dad and jennifer for the early bday present! We decided to unpack a random box and found kaden's beloved ball crawl.
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