This weekend we had an incredible opportunity to venture up the mountains to spend the weekend in a cabin. Mamaw's friend had a *cabin* in Granby that she was generous enough to let us stay at for the weekend. We were so excited to go and experience a piece of Colorado outside of the city limits. Before we even headed out on Friday, I managed to *drop* my wallet on a walk up to Walgreens and was blessed to have an amazing woman stumble upon it and seek me out with the help of my denver library card (I had no real identification or contact info inside it). I have never been so relieved and felt so grateful when I received that phone call. To make the day more strange and unpredictable, I received a disappointing phone call from a woman that had interviewed me twice the following week (and who had even called and left a message after the 2ND interview leaving me to believe I basically had the job) called me at 5pm on a Friday (really? not nice. not nice at all) to let me know that they were sad that they had to offer the position to another candidate. I was completely torn up and pretty devastated about it, but could not have been in a more tranquil place to get over it immediately.
here are some of the highlights from the wonderful weekend....
~our little cowboy on his first road trip
our new friend!
~my camera is awful, especially when the light is just changing to dusk, and this is the best pic that I have...but we had a ginormous MOOSE come visit when we were getting ready for dinner. I have a new respect for the moose. Here's me trying to shoot him with the Flip hanging out behind the neighbor's cabin.
~introducing marty moose to kaden
~kaden's first *real* hike without riding in the backpack. he lasted about 5 minutes.
~the cabin

~the crazy little private bridge that led to our cabin
~my camera just did not do this justice.
~kaden has a newfound love for air hockey
~checking out the horsies
~kaden's very first campfire
Kaden was so smitten with this river that was only steps away from our cabin....the sound was so similar to the sound of the ocean. So peaceful and calming to the soul. Kaden jumped right in and splashed and swam around the first day. The water was crystal clear and beautiful....and absolutely FREEZING!
On the second day...after a huge rainstorm, the water didn't look so pretty. But i think he loved it even more!
~not too happy about getting out.
LOVE the wallet story! something similar happened to me when i first moved there! colorado people are good people, man. so glad you are there!! and in the mountains - AH! what a beautiful place!! xo