~first taste of a chocolate bar. the expression says it all!
Happy Halloween! I can't believe how much more fun Halloween felt this year with a toddler! I have always loved this holiday, but there is just something about seeing it all unfold through the eyes of your little one that makes it such a different experience! Kaden had his heart set on being Elmo, but after trying the costume on last week and getting this reaction, we decided to not torture him and go with something a little less invasive. Mamaw found this Superman costume for him and it worked out great!
Kaden started feeling super yucky again on Thursday, and after having another fever, we took him to the doctor and found out he had Hand Foot Mouth Disease, which definitely took it's toll on the little man. There's really nothing you can take for this, and you just have to let it run it's course...poor little monkey! He had a stubborn fever that just wouldn't go away for three days. Finally this morning, he woke up feeling better than ever, and we took advantage and took him to Boo at the Zoo! The weather was absolutely beautiful and it was so much fun seeing all the little ones in their costumes! He absolutely loved it and we definitely want to turn it into a tradition each year!

~family portrait taken with self timer, camera set on pumpkin ;)
~poor lil monkey was just not feelin it.
~his new favorite choo choo from uncle tobe and aunt ker bear. please notcie the gorgeous snowy rockies in the background!
~kaden riding daddy's tractor from his childhood!
~kaden's favorite attraction at the zoo....a sign he could hang on :)
~overstimulation plus exhaustion equals meltdown.
~nothing a piece of chocolate can't cure!
~mesmerized by Mamaw's bubble blowing skills.
~getting a lift from Papaw.
Precious! He is a doll - so sorry he was sick!!!