~my two Santa impostors
We kicked off some of the holiday festivities this year downtown. I am so in love with downtown Denver! It reminds me of Rochester a little, but on a much larger scale. I sometimes secretly wish I spent my 20s in Denver, rather than LA, it just seems like a really fun place to grow up and figure out what you want to do with life!
We spent Saturday night riding the train downtown for the Parade of Lights, which is the annual Xmas parade. Kaden was SO thrilled to finally ride the choochoo, and being the crazy people watcher that he is, he was totally in his element. It seemed like everyone in the city thought it would be fun to ride the train that day, because on the way back home, we ended up sitting on the floor of the train! The parade was so cool, my pictures just don't do it justice. I really hope to make that a tradition for the holidays, complete with chaos on the train.
~Kaden was so smitten with all of the glow stick paraphernalia.
~This blue bear is quite possibly one of my favorite things in Denver! The pic totally does not do it justice at all! Mr Blue Bear stands outside the Convention Center and peeks inside. I have been so excited to introduce him to kaden but for one reason or another, he has not seen him until this very day. He absolutely LOVED him and could not stop talking about him for days.
~I love this expression on his face...
~we decided to have our snacktime under the bear.
I'm so curious what must be going through his mind when he sees mannequins, especially the headless ones! The look on his face is so incredibly curious, and he is always seems to want to hold their hands!
And this guy (quite possibly a homeless man) was so super friendly and really wanted to play swords with kaden. I was a little skeptical at first with letting a sketchy man swing a makeshift weapon at my son, but after playing with him a bit, I decided he was just a sweet soul.

~kaden saying *cheese*
Chad spent his happy birthday at the zoo with Kaden (mommy had to work...Boohoo). They had so much fun, and Chad loved seeing the wonder in Kaden's eyes as he said hello to all his animal friends. Kaden and I took daddy out to the Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner and we had an awesome time. I had been trying to get Kaden to say "happy birthday" to daddy all day, and he saved it for in the middle of dinner...when out of the blue he said "happy to YOU daddy". so precious.
Uncle Brian and Aunt Suzanne rescued the sweetest little doggie, and we were so excited to meet her. She is a puggle, which is a pug and beagle mix, and she is an absolute love muffin.
~Kaden walking Molly!
~We spent last night decorating our tree! I love looking through all of the meaningful ornaments and reminiscing about when they were made, or the event that they symbolized, and i so looked forward to sharing this with the nugget. Kaden enjoyed the whole thing for about 4.2 seconds and then just really wanted to play all of the *drum ornaments* and really wanted nothing to do with the tree!
~One of the things that bothers me about our place is that we have no windows that face the east, and we miss so many amazing Colorado sunrises. Thanks to my skylight, I was able to glance up and see this incredible sky one morning...my little canon could not do it justice, but you get the idea....
LOVE the bronco blanket, duh. love how "denver" you guys have become! love kaden's "style". i just love you all! when my brother and i were kids, we used to stand next to the mannequins at the store and pretend like we were one of them... it would really freak some people out LOL.