~trying to stay positive!
I don't have any fun new pictures of Kaden to add to this post...because we were a little tied up with frantically searching for a new daycare option. Um, what happened to that amazing new daycare that we found you say? The one with the bunnies and the animals and the super loving woman to take care of him? Ah, that one. Things are not always what they seem. She decided that after the 5 days he had with her, that it wasn't going to work out. I received this message in an email, which leads me with a sick feeling in my stomach, but also wondering what could be wrong with my sweet little boy that he is not a "fit" for this seemingly wonderful place. He always has a difficult time saying goodbye to us, but that seems pretty normal, espcially when a little one is just getting comfy at a new place. I could not believe that the little guy that I believe fills my life with such joy is suddenly getting *booted* from his daycare. She had said that she just didn't feel her place was babyproofed enough for him and felt that he was unhappy there. After a lot of processing with Chad, a lot of anger, and scared and helpless feelings, we came to the conclusion that maybe it's for the best, and she is possibly a bit loopy anyway.
We decided to try something a little different this time around, and go with a childcare center. Up until this point, I always felt like the In Home daycares were a bit more personal and loving, but that has not been the case with our last two experiences, so let's switch it up a bit. We discovered a place that looks like it may be a good fit, and I wish I had a camcorder with us for when we visited, and Kaden walked into the two year old room. All of the other kids gathered around him and sized him up. It was really sweet, and Kaden was so completely curious about them! He has never had the experience of being in a place where he was surrounded by other two year olds, and I think he might really like it. I feel horrible that we have to make this decision so fast and there's no time to really transition him there, and then we are moving next week too, so THAT is going to be another difficult transition for a little dude that is not a fan of change.
Could definitely use some positive energy right about now! If you happen to have any extra, send it our way...
and now for some friday linky love and blog crushes...
I made these fun little roasted chickpeas this week. yummy.
incredibly important post about smiling.
I love this DIY jewelry organizer frame. This is on my must do list!
Can you tell I am desperately seeking my crafty alter ego? Look at all these fun DIY projects!
26 quick and easy smoothie recipes. yes please.
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
I have a crazy crush on Adele (thank you Kristi!). I absolutely cannot get enough of her. This video completely touches that part of your soul that gives you crazy goosebumps. And I love so much that she has a rubberband ball just like my hubby on one of her bookshelves.
happy weekend everyone!
So sweet, J!! Sending love and positive vibes for your upcoming adventures!! PS: Clearly that woman is loopy, K is a beautiful boy and he will be better without her! What a PUNK!
ReplyDeleteKaden will be the king of the 'cool kids' by lunch time. dont worry mama...