~pensive potty face.
Now that we are starting to feel settled in our new home, and all the changes seem to have died down a bit, we have focused more on potty training. Not sure exactly why, but kaden is deathly afraid of sitting on the potty at all, so this is going to be a slow process! I've started implementing a hang out on the potty chat time post bath each night, and it has taken some serious bribery to get him tp participate! The top picture is after I fed him 5 goldfish crackers as reward. He still only wanted to have 1/4 of his tushie on the seat!
Some new favorite Kaden-isms:
I wanna go to Old MaCdonalds!
You go work, I go Colorado.
It's quiet time Kaden (naptime)....when is it Loudtime?
Kaden has been an amazing "big brother" and has been so loving and sweet to our little simon. We took Simon to the vet last week and they did a lot of tests to find out what has been happening with him. They came up with a few ideas, possibly heart disease. We have him on antibiotics right now to see if that will knock out anything else that could possibly be going on, but it is not looking very good for our little furry friend.
~chad has such a way of capturing his precious little run! This is at our favorite "purple mountain park" in Stapleton on a gorgeous spring day.
Congratulations to my Dad and Jennifer for getting hitched in Vegas this weekend! We are so excited for them, and can't wait to get home to celebrate with them! We love you both very much!
and here is a little weekend linky love. grab a cup of joe and enjoy!
This is my new favorite website for serious window shopping. Check out their latest lookbook. I'm drooling over everything!
I am completely obsessed with nutella! These nutella cheesecakes look absolutely scrumptious.
Chad has taught me that there is no such thing as trash...one person's trash is another's treasure. So many amazing ideas for this on Creatively Living Outside the Box.
and while you are over there...check out this amazing kitchen cabinet redo with chalkboard walls behind them. Brilliant!
I so want to make this amazing sign. This is my word for 2011. I think Chad would tell me I am failing at my word of the year by making the sign though :)
and I really think I need to have a mini getaway here:

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!

thanks for linking my sign & blog! it's a great reminder about life right now! :)