Hope everyone had a wonderful fourth of July! It felt a bit strange for us this year, with no fireworks (most fireworks were banned in most areas of Colorado due to the fires), being in the middle of the week, and following my first day back to work after my leave. The first day was hard, the second day felt a wee bit better, and then I realized today just how much work helps me to truly appreciate every morsel of time I am with the kids, and I could look forward to those moments.
I know that I mentioned that my amazing cousin, Jena Gabinahead came for a vist just before my maternity leave ended, and not only is she an incredible friend/cousin/make believe sister, she is also a ridiculously talented photographer. She took a TON of photos while she was here, and I decided to post *just a few faves*. I love the way she captured kaden's personality in so many of them, I take a ton of pics of him each day and I am never able to capture his energy like she has.
she is so my mini me, right down to that belly! |
The Capozzolis will most likely appreciate this! |
helping out a new friend with a beat. |
so it looks like I may have two ice cream treats....you only live once! |
Street performers on Pearl street in Boulder. |
piano "feets" |
squirt gun attack on daddy. |
standoff |
Jazz in the park...are we there yet???? |
bike trail to jazz in the park |
pre-gunshots. |
jugglin jugglin jugglin balls... |
I friggin LOVE Jazz in the park....best.energy.ever. |
Miss Audrey...could she be cuter? nope! |
good night jazz in the park. |
leaf drawings gabeen did with kaden, |
sophia in her *sunday best* |
miss sophia wearing one of mama's old dresses :)
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