Saturday, January 19, 2013


The weather in Colorado has been beautiful the past few days....and we have so been taking advantage of it! Sophie has had a runny nose and a cold for the past week, and a little dry air and sunshine on her face did her some good. Our house is a bit hilarious, we live on a cul de sac, and the way our house is positioned, the snow doesn't melt. Like at ALL. Our neighbor said it would stay snowy until about April-May. So this means we have an everlasting sledding/snowboarding hill in the front yard for the next 4 months or so....

What else is new and exciting? We did away with Kaden's pull ups at nightime, after he was dry many nights in a row. That may have been a bit premature, and now there is no turning back. Just about every night (there were maybe 2 dry nights in 10 days) someone needs a change in jammies and crawls into our bed or has his sheets changed in the middle of the night. I had thought he would be more motivated by the feeling of pride after waking up with dry undies. But he is kinda just like whatever when we pour on the praise after those very few days that he does wake up dry. Any advice on this is SUPER duper appreciated. In the meantime, we need to stock up on some extra jammers!

Sophia went from no friggin way am I getting on my tummy to that is ALL I wanna do is be on my tummy! She changed her mind about the whole tummy thing in like a week. I really think she will be crawling in the next week or so, she is so close! She is also going through that stage that I forgot existed.....the "when you change my diaper, I feel like you are trying to murder me" stage. I remember Kaden going through this. and maybe I blocked it out a bit, but Sophie is quite dramatic about, including back scoothing as fard as she can get.

Sophie also is obsessed with cheese. Smart girl. Too bad there is not too much nutitional value to cheese!

Happy weekend everyone!


~"Mommy this park is TIGHT. What else is TIGHT"? This after some high schoolers that came to Centennial Park repeatedly kept saying, "Man this park is TIGHT".

~I asked if I could have one of his pretzels. He gave me one and then said "That is all I am going to give you Mommy, because i don't want you to get a tummyache".

~"Mommy, if anyone dies at the park, I will make snow angels right next to them, and then I will call 911". So completely random....a child's mind is a magical thing!

~"Mommy, can you put Sophia back in your belly please?" Wow, 9 months in, and I feel like he is so in love with her, I am thinking it may be time for a good Kaden/Mommy day.

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