Happy 10 months Sophia! |
so serious.
Dear Sophia,
This post is about two weeks late. It was not intentional, and I did make sure to take your 10 month pic on the 3rd, so that it accuarately shows you in all of your 10 month glory! On this exact day, you had already had diarrhea for about 6 days, so you were not super excited to have a photo shoot.
So, the big question...are you crawling? Daddy swears that you crawled TWICE last week in the hour that I was late coming home from work. Between you and me, I am pretty sure it was some really good stretches, and possibly some complex yoga moves, but most definitely NOT a crawl. You really don't have time for crawling. For you, you are so ready to get up and do your thing. Since Poppy came to visit a few months back, you have been pretty smitten with walking, and to me, it seems walking is going to be your main mode of transport. You stand on your own for a few seconds, and your legs are crazy strong.
Pointing. You love to point and say "dah". It's ridiculous how cute you are, I can't even handle how sweet that little finger is, it kills me. When you get excited or overly confident, your little cackle makes us all laugh out loud. You eat cheese like it's your job. Your new love is Mums and peas. You love all things bells and blingy bejeweled things. Maracas. You have loved these since day 1, and they continue to bring you peace in your most stressful moments. You also love the ABC song....and it is a surefire way to calm your cries down and help you feel at ease in the car.
You look more and more like my mama each and every day. This makes me so ridiculously happy...For so many year, I imagined my Mama was a bird and visited me via birdies in the backyard. It is so much easier to look in my sweet little one's eyes, and see someone so familiar looking back at me.
You are an absolute blessing, I know i say it to you all the time sweet girl. We are so thankful for each and every moment with you!
I love you,
your mommy
Maraca. |
We miss you Mamaw and Papaw! |
crossed feet! |
Playing with sweet Emma at the Museum of nature and Science. |
super focused. |
Sophia and her buddy Belle figuring out musical instruments. Kaden is supervising. |
We had a rare family day and took advantage of the zoo membership that we don't get a chance to use as much as we once did since we live a bit farther from Denver now. We met up with our friends Amanda and her amazing girls Emma and Belle. A good time was had by all.
Merry go Round with Daddy. |
baby lions! they are only 8 months old! |
~When God created the world, do you think he was scared of spooky (pronounced 'pooky) caves?
~Kaden "Dad, can you marry anyone you want if you love them?" Daddy-"absolutely". (thinking he was going to mention Ryan, his BFF at school). Kaden- "I'm going to marry Sophia".
~Kaden, "Dad, when am I gonna die"? (?????????????) Dad, "Not for a long, long, long, long time" . Kaden, "But I wonder when the DAY I am gonna die is". This is not necessarily a funny kadenism, but a holy cannoli, where does this come from kadenism.
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