oh my. I have been misssing from this space for awhile now, and that makes me sad...I have every intention of getting back in the blogging game in a short while. In the meantime, I am trying to be present with my littles, make some big changes at work, and figure out what I want this space to look like...so in the meantime.....I might be posting quite a few *currently* posts. Happy Mother's Day to all of the incredible mamas out there, those with the littles and the bigs, those of furbabies, those watching over us, and those mamas on their journey to holding their precious bundles. Cheers to you mamas!
my little punkin on Mother's day....ready for some yard work. |
playing with cloud dough with Mamaw. |
Uncle Bri teaching Sophie how to juggle. |
playing with pompoms with papaw. |
she LOVES her books. |
kaden pushed her sideways on the swing. mommy had a heart attack, but she was loving every second of it. |
he picks her up like this and carries her all over. |
Wondering: what life will be like in 5 years....random. I try so hard to hang on to the moments, yet it amazes me how fast time goes by. My itty bitty girl is not so itty bitty anymore....cannot imagine these two in 5 years, and how crazy fun life will be for us all.
Feeling thankful: So many things For the sun and rain simultaneously dancing with one another all this week. Semi-real rain is uncommon in Colorado, and we got a bit of it each day WITH some incredible thunderstorms, with gorgeous 80 degree days filled with sunshine! Also, For ear tubes. Whoever created these is a flippin genius! Sophia is sleeping better now (for the first time since exiting Mommy's cozy place!), she seems so happy and filled with joy now. Also for my amazing in laws and my incredible family who I CANNOT wait to see in just two months!
Watching: Glee. That is it, it is my one guilty pleasure that I cannot shake off. This season is really not very good, but it's like a horrific car accident I cannot turn away from. And I secretly wish I was in Glee club. There are a zillion shows I want to get into, but have not for one reason or another.
Working on: balance. always. One day I will figure it out! Oh and how come I cannot meal plan??? Each week, I try to sit down and come up with a two week plan, I make two out of the 10 meals, forget three or four of the main ingredients, and then just wing it. Or anyone who works with me knows I hit the store every single day on my lunch break to get whatever I missed. Loving: watching my little ones morph into little people, excitement for our trip to NY, progress, banana chocolate chip muffins, kale chips, our cozy house, watching our beautiful aspens bloom in the backyard, figuring out how to tame Sophia's crazy hairdo, kaden's fashion shows, springtime, rediscovering old music that I have been secretly missing.
Thanks to Danielle for the original inspiration to these *currently* posts! What all have you been up to lately? Would love to see your own *currently* post!
playing at centennial park. |
spinning like a wild man. |
why hello there princesses! |
post bath expressions. |
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