He was giving me his best toothy smile! The two bottom chompers are in, and he is SO proud!
We were tossing Kaden upside down the other day when we noticed the top of his mouth is BLUE! That's right, blue like a smurf. We freaked out for a little bit, talked to google about it, and realized that it's a common problem that happens during teething. It's called eruption hematoma and it seems to be driving poor lil nugget crazy. Poor lil guy...I so hope this one cuts trhough soon and he can have a lil break before the next chomper comes!
In other nugget news, what an amazing little eater he is becoming! I have been making my own baby food, and it's so much fun to open the freezer and see that nugget has taken it OVER! So far he loves apples, pears, banana, avocado, sweet potatoes (YEAH! even though he absoluely hated it to begin with, I introduced it again this month and he loves it)green beans, peas, mango and of course he loves his oatmeal cereal! This week we are going to try peaches and tofu. I absolutely LOVE making the food, it's so easy, and I love that I know exactly what's in it, AND it's cheaper and more eco-friendly too.
Kaden can't get enough of the park...here are some pics from playing at the park near our house over the weekend...I can't get enough of his little face!

he looooooooves daddy so so much!

his eyes are still a bluish gray!

His favorite new striped pants! Thank you Lex!

rollin around with his favorite brother.

Is there anything cozier? I think not.

a true california boy smitten with his sand.

OMG, I am just dying to meet that little guy and his most adorable face!!! Stinks that I'm not sure when that'll be though! :( Congrats on the teethers, Kaden!!