Dear Kaden,
I can't believe how fast time is going by...you are now over the six month hump and that much closer to being a YEAR old! Every single day you seem to grow a little more, and I just want to grab a hold of every single second and cherish each moment.
What a month this has been!!!! We took you on your first vacation to see our family in New York. You did so WELL on the airplane, and you loved all the squishy hugs and affection you got from everyone! Not to mention that you were getting your first big tooth duing all of the shenanigans, and handled it so bravely! Your second tooth has cut through, and you are much happier now...the pain seems to have subsided for the time being.
You are sitting up all by yourself, though there is the occasional time where mommy gets too over confident, and sometimes you tip over and take a tumble. You get to where you need to go by rolling all over the place! I know that you are dying to crawl, you can just see that look in your eye!
You love all things water! The pool, the tub, you even took a swim in Uncle Tobe and Aunt Kerry's hot tub when you were in NY, and you absolutely love to splash and kick your legs. Bathtime has become your favorite time of the day, and you yell with excitement the whole time. The only hard part is taking you out, you get so mad everytime!
You LOVE to talk, you says something that sounds an awful lot like "da da da" when you want to be heard, and you sometimes yell at times when there is a lot of noise, as if to say "can you keep it down please".
You are eating so many different foods now, and (yay!) you even have developed a new love for sweet potatoes. Mommy loves to just let you eat with no bib and no clothes on and let you go nuts with the food, and then just throw you in the bathtub! It's like one big fingerpainting party!
I can't wait to see what comes next.
I hope you wrap the world around your finger the same way you've wrapped me!
your mommy
So sweet, Jen! Happy 7th, handsome boy!! And, congrats on not only one, but TWO, little chompers in there! Now, bring on the "good" food - he's gonna be eating yummy portuguese bread, and cuccidaris before you know it! :)