~Poppy and LaLa at Red Rocks.
Poppy and LaLa came to visit us last weekend and we had such a wonderful time! Kaden got to do some much needed bonding and we had a blast showing them our new stomping grounds. Having them here made me ache for a visit back to New York...definitely starting to make plans for early in the new year! Loooooong overdue!
I was a little bummed that we were having gorgeous weather up until the day they got here, complete with colorful fall leaves and 70 degree weather. the day before they arrived, it seems all the leaves fell and turned all winter-like gloomy, and it snowed. We wanted took them up to this sweet place in the middle of nowhere up in the mountains...Bucksnort Saloon. It is a complete hole in the wall, but has the most amazing burgers and incredible scenery.
~I love this pic of kaden struggling to get up the big hill to the Bucksnort, he's so focused!
~Uncle Bri got this sweet shirt.
~Poppy and LaLa.
Afterward, we went back to Mamaw and Papaws for dinner! Mamaw made the most amazing lasagna and Kaden had a blast showing them all of his favorite things.
~showing off his *skillz* for Poppy and LaLa.
~breaking in his new shovel at mamaw's house.
~playing with Poppy.
The next day, we ventured up to Red Rocks to explore. It was absolutely freezing! I had been there once before years ago with Chad, but this time, it was a wee bit different carrying a 25 pound little man up those 9 million stairs. Thank goodness for Poppy! Definitely an amazing workout.

~jammin on the drums with Poppy inside Red Rocks Museum.
~Kaden was smitten with Poppy's ginormous rental...
"hey can I drive for a while?"
We found this adorable little restaurant called Madison Street for their last night here, and had a wonderful dinner! Lots of love and laughs.

~kaden was dying to try Fat Tire.
~kaden the "entertainer"...always trying to make everyone laugh!
We love you Poppy and LaLa!!!
he keeps getting better -- good taste in beer, what a kid! hollah when you get to the east coast! i must see you all again somehow! xxoo