I am feeling so grateful this year....my cup runneth over.
For my ridiculously patient and loving husband, who so "gets me" and loves me anyway ;)
For my sweet Kaden who not only is an incredible love muffin, but also a great teacher!
For my wonderful family who I miss terribly.
For friends, both old and new. Good wine and good food, and friends to share them with!
I'm thankful for being able to feel the spirit of the holiday once again, after a long hiatus after my mother passed away.
I'm so grateful to be able to work with the children I do. I truly learn so much from them and I love what I do.
For my sweet little furbabies that don't get half the attention they deserve anymore!
And for New Beginnings. This new chapter has been amazing so far...I can't wait to see what's next!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
AHHHH - tears, they runneth over! I am thankful for you!!! xoxoxoxoxox Happy Thanksgiving!