~a new friend.
I was not with Kaden on the above adventure to the zoo, but my guess would be that while everyone was swooning over the orangatan, kaden was questioning each person "what your name?" or "what you doinin"? Lately he is extremely curious about everyone and everything as are most two year olds, but kaden will take it one step further and say "what's your FULL name"? Some mornings he wakes up in the morning and this is the first thing he says when i come in the room "I Kaden Miller". Cue the Forrest Jr from Forrest Gump, that's exactly how he says it.
Some other favorite phrases/words that make mommy and daddy chuckle lately...
~Shoe House (house shoes)
~Pick up me. (self explanatory, but he is too cute when he says it)
~Summmmmore peas. (Some more please)
~What that is?
I need to start keeping track more of the hilarious things he says. I am thinking I need to have a few kadenisms in each post...my brain is mush lately, and this is likely more for my own benefit than the blog reading world!
~thinking it's hysterical to eat his foot.
~still so curious about the merry go round. Has not wanted to go back on since the trauma of the Griffith Park merry go round!
~playin at the zoo with daddy.
~he takes his backpack just about everywhere!

~getting brave on the 4 wheeler with papaw.
~first taste of a chocolate bunny.
~chocolate! yummy.

~matching jammies.

~serious cozy time!
Why have I never been to Park Meadow Mall?! It is so close to us and absolutely gorgeous inside! I have never seen a mall that makes you feel like you are in a ginormous amazingly decorated log cabin. I could totally rent out a space and live there.
~about to jump in and steal all the money out of the fountain.
~hangin out at the amazing fireplace in the food court. have I said how incredible this mall is yet?
~I only love this picture because you can see Chik filet wrappers in it. All things Chik filet make me happy. And apparently kaden too, he ate EIGHT nuggets!
and way overdue...here is some linky love!
What happened to Osama Bin Laden's Heart. Such a powerful post! Our little ones are so wise. We need to all teach our children to ask questions like this.
a friend told me about this video....thank you friend. so inspiring and so NEEDED!
how cute is Jennifer Aniston with her new 'do?
Do stop over and check out my friend Amanda's new blog! Not only is she an incredible mommy of a little angel named Emma, but she is the mother of two adorable doggies as well! I love this post she wrote about her doggie Abby.
I love drooling over Shutterbean's recipes, and this one for Cocoa brownies with peanut butter frosting is no exception. holy yumminess!
I think I may be the last person to find out about Pinterest. Now that I have jumped on the bandwagon, I am 100% addicted and may be in need of a 12 step program. The thing about Pinterest is that you actually feel GOOD about wasting all of your precious time on this website, because it completely fuels your creative juices. It's basically like making a vision board (or 3 or 19 vision boards) filled with all of your (ok, mostly other people's) creative and inspirational ideas. Whether it be for decorating/renovating your home, hairstyles, artistic expression, style, or do it yourself projects. I am having so much fun with it! If you want to follow me, come visit.... me here!
I am a bit of a quote fanatic. Random inspirational quotes have actually gotten me through some rough times in my life. Some people call them cliches, but to me they are words from wise old owls and they help us feel validated in the moment and let us know that were not alone. Here are some of my faves I found on pinterest this week.


Definitely putting this up in kaden's room....such an important lesson for our little ones.


way to go spongebob!
Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend and happy mother's day to all the mommies!
LOVE THIS!! omg.. love the quotes. spongebob! hilarious!! kaden is so adorable and squishy i can hardly take it!!!!!! apparently jennifer anniston just bought a duplex in the village... we're practically going to be neighbours hehe! you are so great, i love this blog and keeping up with you! iou an email! xxoo