~kaden attempting to find my *freckle* for a little comfort.
kaden never had a "blankie", although not for a lack of trying on my part. I auditioned several blankies for the role, bought some silly pricey ones, tried some burp cloths that dear friends had used for their lil ones, and many many others. I gues because of my work, I was kind of set on him having a transitional object to help him through his various transitions, our big move and mommy going to work.
Nope. Not one of them worked. Instead, he has become strangely attached to a *freckle* next to my shoulder. I say freckle, but I'm pretty sure it's a birthmark...but that seems way too hard for him to say, so we just like to call it a freckle. He looks for it and plays with it close to 50 times a day. I'm not sure it is so much for comfort, though sometimes it seems like it is, but I think that he feels a sense of security to know it's not going anywhere, and it's comforting to know he can check in and make sure all is good in the world if my freckle is still there.
I have been wanting to write about so many little kadenisms...he is becoming SUCH a little character...off the top of my head, here are some favorites...
~I wanna do dat summmmore.
~ Convo in the car today: We were at a stoplight and there was a homeless man with a sign that said "Veteran with Cancer, please help". I let out a sigh and my sweet little guys says what HE doing? I say, aww buddy, that man is sick and feeling sad". He says "I wanna give him a kiss". whatever.
~lately kaden needs to know everyone's name and what they are doing. "What her name, what her FULL name". "what HE doing".
~we take a huge bag of sandtoys with us whenever we go to the playground so that we can practice *sharing* with friends. Yesterday, he was having a rough time with it, and a little girl kept ripping toys out of his hand. He tried so hard to share and that at one point, he stood up, gathered his toys and sang the "clean up" song. It was too funny.
~I love that this sweet little piece of blue tissue paper that we found on the ground was the highlight of our day today...we must have played with that thing for about 45 minutes. kids just so *get* the meaning of simple pleasure.
~this precious family brought their homeade lemonade stand to the park! how cute is this?

~kaden chillin with all his friends on his potty.
Kaden went peepee on the potty! The amount of peepee was probably smaller than the size of a dime, but hey, it was indeed PEE! He was overjoyed with himself and we were so proud! He got an M&M and ran back to the potty and said "I want anodder M&M!". He sat on the potty, looked down at that peepee from before, and said "I did it!" I didn't have the heart to tell him that was the same peepee as before, so he got another M&M. We did a crazy potty dance and I am hoping he will be super psyched to try again tommorow.
~might as well JUMP!
~giving unk brah some love.
and now for some weekend linky love!
This feature Kiddo Lunch gave me so many great ideas! I love this blog, and how ridiculously cool is her family?
Love Food on your Face Friday! Such an awesome weekly feature, I so want to try this homeade treatment!
I am so making this Coconut Banana Bread tommorow...yummy! I have made a lot of things from her blog, and all have been incredible!
and some of my faves from Pinterest this week!

~seeing this is so on my bucket list.

~yes please.

What a cute post! Hooray for peepee in the potty and Kaden turning into a compassionate young man! : )
ReplyDeleteoh my god oh my god oh my god. like. . where do i even start? shut up with his mickey mouse tee, i swear i had that same outfit. he SO beyond gets it and i can't help but think mommy's genes in there are also to thank, i LOVE that pic of the aurora borealis and i love the aurora borealis, unk brah is just awesome, i miss denver parks so freaking much, and whatever with you and you're humour - "i auditioned several blankies for the role." and no you didn't - "might as well JUMP!" ... please. i caught myself saying out loud more than once, "shut up!" haha - it's seriously almost too much and i wanna gobble it all up!
ReplyDeleteI love, love, love, lovelovelove your bloggy! I wish I said it more! Nugget is darling, J and I just want to squish him up and put him in my pocket! Hurray for potty time - make sure you have lots of potty parties!! Ha! And hello, omg, that tub!! Yes-ser, please!