Happy 2 months Sophia!
I'm sitting down to write this with a much needed glass of wine in hand. Poor Sophia had her 2 month shots today and they were a doozy. My sweet zen baby screamed and cried all day long and could not be comforted. She finally exhausted herself from crying and kaden and i took her to a park where she had a three hour nap with Mama while we watched big brother play in the splash fountains.
For her two month appointment, she weighed in at 11 lb 10 oz, almost dpubling her birth weight, and in the 72nd percentile for her age. She is 23 1/4 inches long, and in the 83rd percentile. We were referred to Children Hospital urology department just to keep them in the loop about everything that could be happening with her kidneys, though here is nothing to worry about at this point, so we will be following up with that within the next month.
Our little cupcake is such a little love muffin, loves to be snuggled (ok, what baby DOESN'T love to be snuggled), loves to sing and chat up a storm and has this smile that melts my heart completely. She sleeps like a champ, and gets about 5-6 hours a night, which is spectacular! She adores her big brother and just stares in awe at him all day long. She is mesmerized by him. We still have not quite figured out a schedule to our day, and i kind of just go with where our day takes us, but knowing I go back to work in three short weeks, I am going to try to work on steeling into SOME sort of routine this month.
We took Sophia to her first jazz in the park this past sunday. Kaden has been looking forward to Jazz in the Park all winter long and came into my room Sunday morning yelling "Today is Jazz in the Paaaaarrrrrrk!!!" For those of you who have never been, Jazz in the park is the. greatest.time.ever. It takes place in City Park every Sunday throughout the summer months. Most of Denver is present, and not only is is family friendly, it is just a super chill palce for people to meet up and hang out. I see so much of what I love about this state when I am there...everyone loving the outdoors and relaxing with loved ones in a crazy wonderful serene setting. I also love peeking at the "spreads" people bring, some people just bring a sheet, some fruit and wine, and other people bring their big ol grill, tables and tablecloth, and every game you could possibly imagine. Sophia loved her first Jazz in the park, she seemed super stimulated and just watched everyone very closely. |
~Sophia at her very first jazz in the park |
storytime with daddy.
playing at the splash park.
banana rollin
our double stroller that makes us kinda look like homeless people.
Kaden and Uncle Bri washin their motorcycles.
this is a little glimpse of what jazz in the park will do to you....
Dear Sophia,
You are two months old sweet girl, and what a bright light you are!!!! You bring us all such joy and make everything feel completely new again. I promise not to get TOO crazy with dressing you up like a living doll, though some times it is so hard to resist! I truly believe that your smile is like no other and is strong enough to end all wars and bring the world peace. Every morning you wake up with this crazy wonderful smile on your face, as if to say...hello world, I am ready to take you on. You just seem so happy to be here!
And we could not be more ecstatic for you to be in our world! I feel so blessed to be your mommy Miss Sophia!
I love you,
your mommy.
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