My poor little nugget had his surgeries today. He was such a brave boy, such a little trooper! I had tried to prepare him just a few days before, but he was feeling really anxious just before the surgery. Not sure where he gets THAT from! *ahem* They had him wear his jammies to the hospital, which I made the mistake of wondering out loud if he got to wear hhis jammies during the surgery.....when it came time to change into the cute lil astronaut scrubs, he lost his mind. So he went ahead and had the surgery in scrub bottoms and his jammie shirt. Anyway, Daddy went back with him (only one of us could go, and I was with Sophia, and let's be honest, I would have been a mess!) where they put him to sleep. They wiped a mask with Skittles lip balm (wow!?) and put it on him and he was asleep. We were told that both procedures (clipping his little tongue and putting tubes in his ears) would take about a half an hour, and we were blown away when they told us he was awake less than fifteen minutes after we left. He was a bit groggy when he woke up, but did say "I've had a haaaaaaard day". Sweet boy.
On the drive home, he was in and out of sleep, kind of groggy, but by the time we got home....we had Mary Poppins on, he did a few sommersaults and wanted to have a dance party. He also stated "I can hear MUCH better now! I can hear the band better! We don't have a piano. I need to get me a stand up Bass!"
*update* I wrote this while he and Sophia were napping today (such a treat when they nap at the SAME time!), and apparently the euphoria wore off during his nap. His tongue was crazy swollen and he was in crazy agony. A little drugs and a Wendy's frosty seemed to mellow him out.
And how on Earth did Children's Hospital let him come home with THESE on? Seriously? Ouch, I have a crazy fear of ripping these badboys off! We left them on overnight, and daddy is going to *operate* on them in the morning.
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